“Moon Deer” A3 Art Print


A rare species living in timhelous world.

  • high quality print on a 300g DIN A3 glossy paper
  • including a 31cm black poster hanger for easy set up
  • great looking black strip made out of artificial leather
  • including a certificate of authenticity with a unique serial number + online check
  • limited to 50 prints!
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Quality Art Canvas

Each print is printed on a 300g high quality glossy paper and comes with a black poster hanger and a certificate of authenticity.

Limited art prints

Prints by timhelou are limited to 50 pieces only. Once sold out they will never be produced again.

Certificate of authenticity included

Each authentic print made by timhelou comes with a signed certificate of authenticity.
The print and the certificate have a unique serial number and security code associated which you can use on www.timhelou.com/check to check if you are in possession of a genuine artwork print by timhelou.


No need to buy a frame! A black poster hanger comes standard with every print and is super easy to hang.

Additional information

